QWERTY is a platform for care, community innovation, and celebration, a network of queer affinities that, along with its LGTBIQ+ sisters, is open to its neighbors and allies.
QWERTY organizes its activity around three axes:
- Community dynamization within the LGTBIQ+ context: addresses community health by creating intergenerational spaces to combat loneliness in the elderly; establishes safe sociability spaces for people in the LGTBIQ+ community, respecting the differential characteristics of various groups/identities; fights against internal and external discriminations within the community, promoting physical activity and sports; develops digital interaction frameworks that are accessible and scalable, primarily based on open-source software.
- Social transformation through political advocacy projects: creates spaces for debate and participates in campaigns related to different realities of the community; interacts directly with public agents through participation and constructive criticism.
- Promotion of culture, music, performing arts, and leisure: coordinates LGTBIQ+ collectives and entities to participate in neighborhood and city events and parties; promotes musical events to support the emerging and consolidated LGTBIQ+ scene in Catalonia; contributes to the consolidation of Barcelona as a cultural reference city, actively participating in international networks of βqueerβ artists.