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Presentation: “Puta Feminista” – La Raposa
13 April, 2024 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Vermouth Saturday, April 13th at 12:30 PM.
✨- With the author Georgina Orellano @geororellano, accompanied by Victoria Canalla @canallavictoria
“We are the ones they wanted to hide under the carpet. We are those in whom all the miseries have been deposited. We are that insult.”
That’s how this book begins, which explains in first person the true story of a sex worker, not the one told by sensationalist media narratives, nor the one from state institutions or the rescue industry.
In the face of the construction of objectifying stereotypes of women who engage in prostitution, this autobiographical account by Georgina Orellano highlights the complexity of the relationship between freedom, oppression, and rights, from the experience of a working-class woman who “couldn’t choose: she opted.” From this place, Orellano skillfully traces the life journey that led her to consider sex work as her profession, to legitimize it, and to legitimize herself in it, battling against the different layers of stigma and social double standards.
Beyond its personal testimonial nature, “Pvta feminista” is a deeply reflective book, in which the slogan that “the personal is political” takes on a particularly relevant meaning. Issues such as legality and illegality in relation to rights, the true relationship with clients, punitive and redemptive logics within feminism, self-organization, and mutual support in socially and legally invisible activities… appear here with a particularly powerful light in which thought is filled with practice and, above all, with the street.
VICTORIA CANALLA @canallavictoria
📚 – Books on sale at #llibrerialaraposa